Twitter Charts 3

Jeff - This was a Trade Test (change the Test Mode from Signal) which requires the following Exit criteria for the end of the year or 43 days, whichever occurs first:

V1=MONTHNUM() ChangeTo 1;

Thomas - this was also a Trade Test using the same exit criteria as above, and this as the entry:

V1=MONTHNUM() ChangeTo 11;
V2=V1 and MONTH()[1] IsDown and MONTH()[2] IsDown and MONTH()[3] IsDown;

Hi Darren,

Could you please publish the script(s) from your Twitter analysis about the consecutive weeks.

Here is the Link:

Especially the script for the numbers above and below the bars of the S&P 500.

Best wishes,

Hi Thomas,

This uses the BARTYPES() function to define higher highs and lows (regardless of close):

Set the Show Bar to display as a number and use the following on a weekly chart to count the number of consecutive higher bars:

//Set BarType;
//Count since V1 was false;

Change V1 to use Lower bars for the red numbers.

Hi- would you mind sharing the scripts you used for this post:

Hi Christopher,

I drew vertical lines for the changes in the Fed Funds rate data from FRED using the dates found here:

For the Signal Test I just hard-coded those dates using the following:

BARDATE()==STRDATE(DATE=1981-08-03) or 
BARDATE()==STRDATE(DATE=1984-08-30) or
BARDATE()==STRDATE(DATE=1989-06-05) or
BARDATE()==STRDATE(DATE=1995-07-05) or
BARDATE()==STRDATE(DATE=1998-09-29) or
BARDATE()==STRDATE(DATE=2001-01-03) or 
BARDATE()==STRDATE(DATE=2007-09-18) or 

Hi Darren,

Could you please publish the scripts from your Twitter analysis about % Outperforming SPX.

Here is the Link:

Here is the chart:

Best wishes,

Hi Darren,

You have already answered my question a few year ago! I should be ashamed of myself. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Here is your answer from Sep 2021:
Twitter Charts - #15 by DEJHMA8



Could you share scripts related to this post Feb 19 related to GoNoGo charts. It would be interesting to observe this in the future.

Regards, Pentti Rahko

Hi Pentti,

The GoNoGo tools used to calculate the data are an optional add-on module for $125 a month. To learn more see here:

To build the statistics on the % of members with a Go status also requires the Custom Breadth module, which is available with Enterprise Services, or another tool module purchase:

Please contact support if you would like to purchase these modules.