Divergence Tool Properties


Is there any further information available regarding use of the Divergence Tool Bars, Sensitivity & Plot 2 Filter properties?

Is the Bars setting the same as a “Pivot Label”?
Is the Sensitivity setting a percent the slopes of the indicators have to be apart to trigger a divergent condition?




The Divergence Tool uses Linear Regression in the Calculation. The Bars property sets the number of bars used in by the Linear Regression, in this example you can see a 10 bar linear regression (green dash) manually applied to the chart matches the slope of the Divergence tools arrow which is also set to use 10 bars:


Sensitivity is to do with the line gradient. The higher the sensitivity value, the steeper the slope of the lines needs to be to pass as a valid divergence.

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for the additional information.

Now I understand the Bar count.
