Green Line Breakout

Hi guys,

Please see the attached picture. I want to write a script that will:

  1. Find every time price closes at an all-time high on a monthly chart.
  2. Draw a horizontal line from that new all-time high when the 4th bar opens, only if the previous 3 closes were below that all-time high.

thank you


I’ve done some work on a script that looks to work, at least provide you with the building blocks to edit to do exactly what you’re wanting:

//Set Highest High
V2 = HIGH()[3] == V1;
//Set Close Criteria
V3 = CLOSE()[1] < V1 and CLOSE()[2] < V1 and CLOSE()[3] < V1 ;
V4 = V2 and V3;
//Plot High once criteria met
V5 = NONZERO(IF(V4 == 1,V1,0));

It does not draw the line from the trigger high, it waits for the criteria to occur.

We do not have a function that plots a HL to the end and keeps it there as new values are formed, it’s a single line that moves as a new value is triggered.

HLTrig.owb (9.85 KB)