Invert Chart

Hi Optuma team,

I have a feature request regarding the property “Invert Chart”.

At the moment the property “Invert Chart” is a general chart property that means only the “main chart” can be inverted but not “lines” in windows below the main chart.

I would therefore recommend moving the “Invert Chart” property to the “Price Scale Properties” so that each individual line in a window can be inverted…

Here is an example where an individual “Invert Chart” property in the the “Price Scale Properties” would be helpful.
S-P 500 TR and Nonf. Corp. B. Equities Market Cap. to GDP Ratio10-Year Forecast

As you can see, I manually inverted the brown “line” in the window below the main chart using a simple script.

BUT because of the manual inversion (multiplying the raw values by -1) I have negative values. This is not a problem as far as it goes, but with negative values it makes no sense to scale the axis logarithmically.

However, in the above diagram, it would make sense to scale the left scale logarithmically to “improve” the visual “look” of the brown line.

If it were possible to scale the left scale inversely, it would be possible to scale the left scale logarithmically as well. To do this, it would be necessary to move the “Invert Chart” property to the “Price Scale Properties”.

I hope I have been clear in my description, if not, please let me know.

Best wishes,


Layers can be inverted on their own, it does not need to be done globally.

Here’s an example of the RSI inverted while the main chart is on a standard view…


To invert an individual layer, right click on it in the Structures panel, go to the Pencil icon and tick the Invert Layer checkbox. This gives you more control over what aspects of the page you wish to have inverted.

Hi Matthew,

thanks for the great tip, again learn something new about the great flexibility of Optuma.

I am thrilled !

Here is the “new” chart:
S-P 500 TR and Nonf. Corp. B. Equities Market Cap. to GDP Ratio10-Year Forecast

Best wishes,