Momentum Shading Prob

I'm trying to shade step between High & Low so looks more like a bar chart. please help.
ma1= MA(BARS=40, CALC=Close);
ma2= (High() -ma1)/ABS(ma1);
ma3= (Low() - ma1)/ABS(ma1);
ma4= (Close() -ma1)/ABS(ma1);

Plot1= ma2;
Plot1.Colour = Green;
Plot1.Plotstyle = Step;
plot2= ma3;
Plot2.Colour = Red;
Plot2.Plotstyle = Step;
Plot3= ma4;
Plot3.Colour = White;
Plot3.Plotstyle = Step;


You can add a shaded zone between two plots using the Shade() function…

ma1= MA(BARS=40, CALC=Close); 
ma2= (High() -ma1)/ABS(ma1); 
ma3= (Low() – ma1)/ABS(ma1); 
ma4= (Close() -ma1)/ABS(ma1); 
Plot1= ma2; Plot1.Colour = Green; 
Plot1.Plotstyle = Step; 
plot2= ma3; 
Plot2.Colour = Red; 
Plot2.Plotstyle = Step; 
Plot3= ma4; 
Plot3.Colour = White; 
Plot3.Plotstyle = Step; 
Plot4=SHADE(Plot3, Plot4, DOWNCOLOUR=Crimson)

For more information on using Shading between two plots please refer to the following article:

Thanks mate