Adding daily data option in Seasonality Module

Hi guys,

I want to bring this thing up since no topic here talked about it before.

Regarding the seasonality module, Optuma has both weekly and monthly options available now. But for the daily data, we have to do it month by month.

So here comes the question, if i copy all these data to clipboard and rebuild the data in excel. Then i have all the beginning of each month fixed at 100, so the chart later built with all these data will not be correct.

So i want to ask, if we can allow to have daily data for seasonality module without seeing it month by month.

Thanks and have a good day.


Hi Yan,

I’m not sure if this will work for you, but as you have the Gann tool module you could use the Gann Mass Pressure tool which calculates the average daily performance for any given years.

Here’s the tool calculating the average daily performance of the Shanghai Composite index for the last 5 years giving you an idea of when the market turned (you can select any number of years to look back). Let us know what you think.


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Hi Darren,

Thanks for the tips. It is what i am expecting for. Have a good weekend.