I would like indicate on my charts the exact 5 minute candle where a 60 minute candle condition occurs. For example if the 60 minute candle EMA turns up it could occur half way through the 60 minute candle however, the 5 minute chart would indicate it occurred at the beginning of the hour candle because it did occur during that candle.
Is it possible to do this?
I thought using PRICEATSIGNAL enquiring into the 60 minute data would return the value I was looking for but on the 5 minute chart it still points at the beginning of that 60 minute candle even though the occurrence of the condition was half way through the 60 minute candle.
I hope this makes sense. What I am trying to do is indicate on the 5 minute chart, the 5 minute candle when the 60 minute candle condition occurred and not just pointing at the whole 60 minute candle data.