Marking Price on a Bar


I want to mark some selected bars and display the high price of that bar.

I use the following script:

A1 = STRDATE(DATE=2023-07-27) ;
A2 = BARDATE() == A1;
A3 = IF(A2 == 1, HIGH(), 0) ;
A4 = A3 ;

B1 = STRDATE(DATE=2022-08-16) ;
B2 = BARDATE() == B1;
B3 = IF(B2 == 1, HIGH(), 0) ;
B4 = B3 ;

NumD = B4 ;

Here is the chart:
Bar Mark #3

As you can see the script woks as it should.

BUT when I use TWO dates in the script only the values are “1.00” displayed.

Here is the script with two dates:

A1 = STRDATE(DATE=2023-07-27) ;
A2 = BARDATE() == A1;
A3 = IF(A2 == 1, HIGH(), 0) ;
A4 = A3 ;

B1 = STRDATE(DATE=2022-08-16) ;
B2 = BARDATE() == B1;
B3 = IF(B2 == 1, HIGH(), 0) ;
B4 = B3 ;

NumD = A4 or B4 ;

Here is the chart with two dates in the script:
Bar Mark #1

I use for the Show Bar tool the following settings:
screenshot - 0000

Any suggestion why only the values “1.00” are displayed when two dates are used in the script?


Hi Thomas,

A value of 1 indicates a true condition, so NumD is true on those dates. To show values for multiple dates the ‘or’ condition needs to be before the IF() statement:

A1 = STRDATE(DATE=2023-07-27) ;
B1 = STRDATE(DATE=2022-08-16) ;
B2 = BARDATE() == A1 or BARDATE() == B1;
NumD = IF(B2 == 1, HIGH(), 0);


Hi Thomas,

You can also use the swing values to mark highs / lows automatically. For 10% swing highs use this with the Show Bar Position property set to High:


For lows (set to Low position):



Hi Darren,

Thank you very much for your support in this matter. Without your help I would not have managed it so quickly and smoothly.

You have helped me already so much on so many issues and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again.

Many thanks again!