Hi Optuma-Team,
I would like to recommend a feature enhancement to the “Price Marker” tool.
The most common usage of the “Price Marker” tool is described in the KB article ( https://www.optuma.com/kb/optuma/tools/line-studies/price-marker ).
But the tool can also be used to mark selected price levels on the chart like an alert line.
Here is a screenshot about how I use the tool to highlight selected price levels on the chart:
As you can see on the screenshot I have used the tool to mark two price levels of importance on the chart.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to enter in a dialog box the price level where the tool should be placed. You have to move the mouse up and down on the chart and see in the price scale where the mouse cursor is currently located. If the price level seems to be correct, you have to press the mouse button and the tool will be placed at that level on the chart.
This is very cumbersome, inaccurate and inconvenient!
Therefore, I would like to recommend to add a new property in the properties of the “Price Marker” tool that allows to manually enter the price level at which the tool should be placed. The number of decimal places of the price level that is displaced on the chart by the “Price Marker” tool should have the same decimal places as set in the property “Price Display Format” of the “Price Scale Properties”.
The possibility to change the colour of the background is another recommendation to improve the functionality of the “Price Marker” tool. At the moment it is only possible to mark or unmark whether a background should be shown or not. But there is no possibility to change the colour of the background.
I hope I was clear enough to describe my recommendations. If not please let me know.