Rounded Corner

Hi Optuma Team,

The corners of ALL icons, the Text Box tool, the Chart Element tool, the Chart Annotation tool, the Callout tool (see my support ticket #288635), and all items that have a right angled corner should have rounded corners, including the Optuma welcome screen with the menu boxes.

So that the design of Optuma looks like the new Windows 11 design with rounded corners.

Best wishes,

Hi Thomas,

Whilst we would love to have the ability to implement all your suggestions we have limited resources, and Mathew has put all development on the web-based dashboard version of Optuma.

As such, all non-urgent issues will not be worked on in the desktop version for some time. Thanks for understanding.

Hi Darren,

Thank you for your reply. I understand that Mathew wants to get out all his projects that he has been working on for some time as soon as possible.

I hope that this will be as soon as possible, but I know that all of you at Optuma are working hard to make the program better and better.

Best wishes,