Upside tool idea

The drawdown tool is great to measure the downside, is it possible to write a tool that does the reverse and gives the same information but for the upside?
Thanks Peter

Hi Peter,

We have a Range from Extremes tool that shows the current percentage from a high and low (1 year by default).

You can use the associated RFE() function in a watchlist or Show View using the low price:


Click on the text to change the lookback period from the 1 year default (eg 6 months):


Here’s the upside % from the 1 year low for the ASX Sectors, showing IT is the best at +59%. Click the link to save the workbook.

Upside.owb (29.1 KB)

Thanks Darren, I like the show view. Is it possible to add an average line to the RFE tool?

Hi Peter,

The RFE tool is a dynamic label only, so the only way to see a moving average is to add the standard MA tool to the Show View.